mclean dermatology and skincare center
Kristen Stirling, NP-BC is the Founder and President of Tennessee TeleDerm. Tennessee TeleDerm is a telehealth practice offering dermatology care to teens and adults in Tennessee. Kristen is a lifelong Tennessean and 14+ year veteran in dermatology. She understands the needs and problems of her patient population in the south and can tailor a plan to treat your dermatology condition.After graduation from the Belmont University School of Nursing, Kristen joined the Burn Unit at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She then moved into private dermatology practice with a large multi-specialty group in Nashville, first as a Registered Nurse, then as a Nurse Practitioner in 2012.Kristen’s experience, knowledge and personable nature are all key factors in why she has built lasting relationships with her patients, many of whom have been seeing Kristen for years.Recently, Kristen began offering telehealth appointments. Tennessee Telederm grew as a natural result of these appointments’ convenience and popularity. Her practice now solely focuses on serving patients through convenient telehealth and online dermatology appointments.Kristen lives in Nashville and enjoys reading, sports, and the outdoors with family and friends.
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